【News】 CSO Terauchi speaks at “The 13th Asia Partnership Conference of Pharmaceutical Associations”

We are pleased to announce that Jun Terauchi, CSO of Metagen Therapeutics, will be speaking at “The 13th Asia Partnership Conference of Pharmaceutical Associations” to be held on April 23, 2024.

Asia Partnership Conference of Pharmaceutical Associations (APAC) is an international conference dedicated to the mission of expediting the launch of innovative medicines for the peoples in Asia.

Held annually in Tokyo since its establishment in 2012, APAC has been providing a unique opportunity for constructive dialogues among IFPMA’s 13 R&D-based pharmaceutical associations, regulators and academia, to work together to realize the mission.


11:24-11:37 DA Session: The microbiome research in Asia
Jun Terauchi, Japan Microbiome Consortium / Metagen Therapeutics, Inc.

For more information, please visit the following website:

■『The 13th Asia Partnership Conference of Pharmaceutical Associations (The 13th APAC)』